Family Nutrition

simplifying nutrition for the whole family


to family nutrition


I am Melissa, your holistic nutritionist,  nutrigenomic practitioner and the face behind Family Nutrition. Born and raised in sunny South Africa , now living in Southern Germany with my husband and 2 children. Why am I passionate about family nutrition and creating a positive experience around food? Head over to ´our story´ to find out 

Holistic nutiriton

nutrition tailored to you

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1-1 Consultations

One-on-one consultations are tailored to your unique needs and goals. Together, we will work to create a personalized plan that fits you and your family’s needs.

Mom and child
Workshops & classes

Workshops and classes are both online and in Zollernalbkreis, Germany. Covering topics like pregnancy, childhood nutrition and moms health

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Nutrigenomic testing

Nutrigenomic testing allows us to look at your genes and how we can uniquely support them


What makes Family nutirition


There is no 1 way of eating right, but rather a way of eating right for YOU and YOUR family! 


I take a holistic approach , which means I look at the whole picture.  What are your eating habits and those of your family? What is your  and your families current needs and how can we make small changes to fit your situation without you feeling overwhelmed or turning your life upside down. 

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what clients are saying..

´´If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.´´

- hippocrates

Webinar online session
Where to start


Not sure here to start? This is it.  By booking a discovery call you can find out more about how I work and whether we’re a good fit, without obligation or pressure!